Monday, February 11, 2008

Tech failure...

My computer suddenly collapsed and went into a coma on Thursday, and on Saturday morning the hard drive was pronounced dead and life support was withdrawn.

I now have a new hard drive (which I can't help but regard with some nervousness and distrust), and find myself disencumbered of the last six months of my life.

Sometimes complete strangers see me on the train working on my Mac and ask me about it - people thinking about purchasing one. Well, here is my report. My lovely PowerBook has been running smoothly for three and a half years now, apart from one glitch with the DVD drive at the very beginning. I've even dropped it on concrete floors and it has been fine but for some problems with a warped shell (if you drop it on the corner, the metal bends). My cheaper university-purchased MacBook, on the other hand, has been a pain from the start - crashes all the time, and has developed this hard drive problem in spite of me being much more careful with it. So yes, people, get a Mac, but get the more expensive version. And never get a white computer. What a stupid design. I had to stick contact paper on the place my hands rest, because I couldn't clean the dirty marks off properly.

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