On Sunday morning, after I had pulled myself from bed and driven down to that too-early final, I crunched my wheel against the kerb while parking and broke one of the struts of my hubcap. Or is it a wheel trim? I don't know. But here is my question. What are those things for? Do they have any purpose? Do I need to replace it, or can I just ignore it? I tried looking it up on Wikipedia, but it didn't help. Wikipedia tends to be most useful when you know the answer already - or at least when you have a good idea of how the answer is going to look, like recognizing a demon which has taken on human or animal form.
No, you don't need to (assuming it really is a hub cap, rather than a fancy shmancy "alloy" wheel, in which case you wouldn't be able to break it this way). As far as I understand it, they are purely cosmetic. It only took parking my car a couple of times in Granton before several hubcaps disappeared altogether. Apart from giving my old car a rather folorn, dog-eared look, no harm seemed to come of it...
Si x
Thank you, Simon. That's the conclusion I was beginning to draw. I wondered why more people weren't driving around with broken ones, though (I've been checking).
How strange and foreign both that I should be asking car questions and that it should be you who is answering them. Something has gone wrong with the world!
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